Welcome to our new blog! It’s our hope that this space will become a point of reference and serve as a resource for women’s health in our region.

It’s easy to assume that because the topic of women’s health sees the front page of newsstands, is discussed on afternoon talk shows, and has found everyday dedications in monthly awareness recognitions, that there is no longer any stigma or taboo behind gradual challenges that surface over the course of a woman’s lifetime – but many of us know that just isn’t true. Almost every woman will experience a need for the services we provide and many of them across the state of Oklahoma (and beyond) will reach out to us for help.

To establish our online presence, a presence we hope to become a leading voice and safe space for beginning conversations to navigate this course of a woman’s life, we want to share with our readers a few additional, trusted online resources to supplement our one-on-one consultation and expertise:

American Urogynecologic Society – www.augs.org

International Urogynecological Association – www.IUGA.org

Voices for Pelvic Floor Disorder – www.voicesforpfd.org

RealSelf – www.realself.com

These sources are specifically within the urogynecology realm, but we look forward to expanding our reach to encompass the many variables of life changes and positive outlooks that make womanhood such a remarkable journey to navigate.

We’re glad you’ve found us here.

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